Europe Missions

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Keep Dreaming | Join the Movement | Edition 34

When I arrived in Spain, I was excited: I am finally here! It had been a long process of raising support and going through the process to get my visa. To be honest, I am still excited: I am here! 

It is not that the excitement wore off. No, I remain grateful for the ways God provided for me. He cared for me through the support-raising process and by providing a good job, surrounding me with incredibly supportive people, and protecting me while I traveled amidst the years of the pandemic.

Once I arrived in the field, I started to see ways that God’s timing is incredible. He had given me words beforehand that I saw come to fruition early on in my assignment. I knew that the patience and the hard work of the support-raising process were worth it.

Within my first couple weeks of arriving in Spain, the Holy Spirit began to stir this question: What will I dream for next? I had been dreaming of arriving for so long, and now that it had come true, praise God! 

But now, I need to look forward again, without forgetting God’s faithfulness to me in the past several months, but what do I press on towards? What am I hoping for?

Just as the Holy Spirit prompted this question, He has also begun to answer it. While partnering with a church a month into my assignment, the youth pastor prayed over me during a service. The Holy Spirit spoke through him and the children’s director, who translated the message into English.

Without them knowing it, the Lord gave me an answer to my questions. He gave me a glimpse into how he will use me in this 2-year assignment and beyond as I continue to follow the Lord (in whatever country that may be)!

I expect to learn more of what the Lord has for me the longer I am in the field. I will continue to be grateful for God’s faithfulness. I want to continue looking forward and to see where God will bring me and use me.