Europe Missions

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Push The Button - Valerie Graves

Many people may wonder how I ended up going on the mission field at this point in my life. I had been on short-term mission trips and had a heart for missions, but I always felt that I wanted to do something for a longer period of time. However, I didn’t feel like there was anything that I could do on the field because I didn’t teach or preach like my husband did.

After suddenly losing my husband in July, 2018, I found myself in a new season of life. Several months later I was returning from vacation and I asked God, “What am I going back to? Is my life going to be the same, or do you have something different for me?” Little did I know that a month later God would put in front of me the opportunity to become a Missionary Associate – something that I never would have imagined for myself - and it all started with pushing a button.  

My work experience is as an office admin. I was working at my church as the Office Manager and had to go onto the AGWM website for some reason. I saw a statement that said “Become a Missionary” and it had a button below it. I thought, “Wow, people can just click this and find out how to become a missionary?” Intrigued, I clicked the button. I started looking through the search, narrowing it down to Western Europe and then found I could search for admin positions. When openings came up, I began to cry and said to myself, “There IS something I can do on the field.”  

After much prayer, I submitted my application to become a Missionary Associate, praying that if this was God’s will that every door would open. Needless to say, every door did open and, in spite of Covid and visa issues that have delayed my departure for a year, I am headed to the country of my calling at the end of August where I will be working as an admin at Continental Theological Seminary outside of Brussels, Belgium.

God has called all of us to ministry of some sort, whether it be over the back fence, at work, or on the mission field. I encourage you to forget our self-imposed limitations, ask God what He has in store for you, take a step and “push the button.”