Europe Missions

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Finding Peace, Joy and Forgiveness in Italy

For years, Maria had been one of those Christians who would be up one day and down the next. Pastors Bob and Lynne Rose, AGWM personnel in Italy, prayed for her fervently and slowly she has become more steadfast in her walk with the Lord. Yet one thing that has been consistent about is her witness and testimony to those who need Jesus.

Naima.jpgFor years, Maria had been one of those Christians who would be up one day and down the next. Pastors Bob and Lynne Rose, AGWM personnel in Italy, prayed for her fervently and slowly she has become more steadfast in her walk with the Lord. Yet one thing that has been consistent about is her witness and testimony to those who need Jesus. 

One day Maria met Nuuro, a refugee from Africa, and a friendship between them grew; she helped Nuuro in many ways including giving her food and finding housing for her. As they grew closer, Maria began to share with her how much Jesus meant to her. Because of their relationship, Nuuro would listen but would not respond. But the more Maria shared, the hungrier for God Nuuro became. She began to see how vibrant Maria’s  life was and how precious Jesus was to her. Nuuro began to examine her own life and realized that she did not have the peace and forgiveness in her heart like Maria.

Her relationship with her god was shallow and dissatisfying. So Maria encouraged her to come to church. 

Pastor Bob had been doing a series on the 12 disciples of Jesus. On the night Nuuro came, he spoke on James. As Bob preached, Nuuro hung on every word. She listened as the life of James unfolded; how he was one of the Sons of Thunder, wanted to call fire down from Heaven on the Samaritans for refusing to accommodate Jesus, he was one of the ones who wanted to sit next to Jesus in Heaven and in the end, he was the first martyr of the Christian church. These kinds of experiences, emotions and reactions were very similar to what she had learned in her religion. But to hear how this angry, aggressive and ambitious activist had allowed the Master to temper his heart and taught him to be a servant, sensitive and humble, was a totally new concept to Nuuro. She became so intrigued and eager to learn more about God. 

AND_Group_Photo.JPGAfter the service, Pastor Bob greeted her and immediately Nuuro said, “I need something in my life!” She began to tell Bob her story: how she was raised to be religious but had found no joy or peace. She asked, “Can you help me find what I need in my life and true reality in God?”  Pastor Bob presented John 14:6 when Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life.” As he shared about Jesus, she asked more questions about how Jesus could help her in her life. He told her the first step was to know Jesus as her Savior and Lord. He led her in a simple prayer of salvation. She hungrily repeated each word and at the conclusion, the peace of God rested on her face.

Nuuro was given a new Bible and instructed her on how to learn more about her new and personal relationship with God through the Word of God. Nuuro is growing in the Lord and has a hunger to get beyond her past and be discipled.