Europe Missions

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Beauty in Slovakia, Beauty in the Roma

A recent magazine article describes Slovakia as ‘Europe’s Best Kept Secret!’ The article vividly described Slovakia in all its beauty and splendor! From green luscious plains, to rolling hills of vibrant yellow sunflowers waving at the heavens. The magnificent, snow tipped, Tatra mountains overlook the historical villages below! More than 350 castles spreading across the country and the great, aged cathedrals add to its awe and wonder. Nestled among all of this are the Roma people!

IMG_4183-sm.jpgA recent magazine article describes Slovakia as ‘Europe’s Best Kept Secret!’ The article vividly described Slovakia in all its beauty and splendor! From green luscious plains, to rolling hills of vibrant yellow sunflowers waving at the heavens. The magnificent, snow tipped, Tatra mountains overlook the historical villages below! More than 350 castles spreading across the country and the great, aged cathedrals add to its awe and wonder. Nestled among all of this are the Roma people!

John and Daralena Beam, AGWM Personnel report on a recent ministry effort directed toward the Roma women.

“The Roma people, more commonly called Gypsies, have touched our hearts along with the beauty of this country! Many see only the poverty, make-shift homes, the stench of garbage and the unkempt villages. Adults and children alike, scavenging and stealing for survival. Yet, we see their faces as marginalized people needing a savior.

IMG_4220-sm.jpg“We recently hosted a team of ten women from New Jersey who came to minister to the Roma women. What a glorious and life-changing experience it was for all involved! These women helped minister to over 400 women and also a few men, who came as support and out of curiosity! This was a traveling conference, as Roma do not have means for transportation. During the week, we ministered in four different locations, which included 24 villages! The theme carried throughout the region was, “Real Beauty!” The team of women spoke with passion and anointing!

Almost 100% of the women came for prayer seeking salvation, deliverance, healing or restoration for their families! The total, eternal impact of this conference will never be known until we meet face to face with our Lord! The revival among the Roma nation is a true and present reality. We are humbled to be able to see and be a part of this on-going movement among this people group!”