Europe Missions

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Dreams come true in Spain

The first woman to complete the two-year program at the Project Rescue Spain safe home just got married! What a story of redemption and dreams come true! She was a victim of human trafficking and suffered a great deal, but God has redeemed her life. He has brought healing to her soul, provided her with marketable job skills, as well as her legal documents. She has married a fine Christian man and her desire is that God will use her to minister to others.

Screenshot 2015-07-27 08.01.25.pngThe first woman to complete the two-year program at the Project Rescue Spain safe home just got married! What a story of redemption and dreams come true! She was a victim of human trafficking and suffered a great deal, but God has redeemed her life. He has brought healing to her soul, provided her with marketable job skills, as well as her legal documents. She has married a fine Christian man and her desire is that God will use her to minister to others. 

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After two years of serving over 40 women at risk and victims of human trafficking in residential and external care programs, the Project Rescue Spain safe home is relocating to a new location where up to ten women can be housed.  Caring for those outside the home will also continue.  Volunteers have helped to prepare the new house for the women who will call it ‘home’!


In addition to providing for the women’s physical, psychological, social and emotional needs, they are also taught skills that will lead them to jobs with dignity. The women create beautiful jewelry which is not only therapeutic, but these creative sessions are also very relational and unifying for the women in the home.  It boosts their self-esteem to see they can create lovely necklaces, bracelets, and earrings that others love to purchase.  With all the offerings of the Project Rescue Spain safe home, women’s lives are being rescued and changed.