George Floyd & Justice By Way Of The Cross

I have something heavy upon my heart today that I have been looking for the right opportunity to share. As missionaries, you understand we are admonished to stay apolitical to avoid creating any obstacles in presenting the message of the gospel. I concur with that position and will not deviate from it here. However, Scripture exemplifies two kinds of conversations regarding polarizing political events. When Jesus was asked a political question about taxes, He responded by saying, “Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and give to God what belongs to God” (Matthew 22:21, NLT). This command transcends culture and politics.

The recent events surrounding George Floyd’s murder in Minneapolis have created an opportunity (unlike any I have seen in my lifetime) for Kingdom people to engage in redemptive conversations that transcend the political conversation. We could begin with something like this:

George Floyd was unconditionally loved by God and had immeasurable worth to God and to me. As a follower of Jesus Christ, I am overwhelmingly saddened by the injustice and evil that has deprived humanity of this beautiful life. Although I am profoundly grieved, I recognize people of color feel this atrocity in a personal way that I as a white person cannot fully comprehend. As a person who believes in the message of the Cross, I am called to self-sacrifice and compelled to suffer with those who are suffering. I stand united in love with my brothers and sisters of color!

May our conversations bridge racial divides and include the voice from the Cross that completely understands injustice and suffering. The people of God must always advocate for redemption, peace, justice, and unconditional love for everyone.

As a declaration of action, I have personally donated to the George Floyd Scholarship Fund through North Central University. If you sense the Lord stirring you in a similar direction, click here.

I pray each of us can separate the transcendent conversation from the political one and be a voice of unconditional love and peace with people of color for His glory.

Your brother,

Paul Trementozzi