Europe Missions

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A Milestone in Germany

On November 5, 2017, Stuttgart Missional Community Church (SMCC) celebrated its five-year anniversary. Founded and pastored by AGWM personnel, Matt and Stacey Leighty, the church ministers to our U.S. service personnel based in that area of Germany. SMCC held its first service six months after the Leighty’s arrival. They have been able to acquire their own church building which was a miracle from God. Countless men, women, and children have called SMCC their church home while they lived in Germany. The Leightys have been able to disciple and care for them during that time.

Out of the families that helped start the church, only two remain in Germany today. But the church is still growing! The Leightys state, “Change and transition is just a way of life here – but we are glad that the church is something stable in an always changing culture. We thank God for everyone He has sent and everyone He is continuing to send to our church.”